

2025 Pool Membership Fee is $725.00

Further information about HCRA Membership can be found below


Please use the link below to access CINC -- a member-only portal -- where you will find access to our governing documents, clubhouse reservations, and other pool-related forms and information.


You can also access it through the CINC mobile app



Associate Membership

Associate memberships are available to any households outside of HCRA on the following schedule:

  • Until 15 April:  Hampton Forest HOA members only
  • 15 April - 31 April:  All previous year Associate members
  • 1 May: Open enrollment

We are currently in the process of switching our online system for membership applications and payment.  The new site will be active and listed here by 1 April. Please check back then.

Hampton Chase Members

Per the HCRA’s Declarations, the Hampton Forest addresses in Sections Four through Eleven, are mandatory members of HCRA and are required to pay the HCRA annual assessment fee. If your address is not listed, you are not a member of HCRA, and membership is optional (see Associate Membership below).

A list of all members within HCRA can be found here at HCRA Membership Addresses.

An invoice for the annual assessment will be mailed to you at the beginning of the year and payment of the annual assessment is due by February 1st of each year.  Payments received after January 31st will result in a late fee of $25, which will be added to your HCRA account.

Please contact the Cardinal Management Group Accounting Department at (703) 569-5797 if you do not receive an assessment invoice for this year. Cardinal Management Group, Inc. offers a direct debit program (please click here for the Direct Debit Fillable Form). You can also pay your assessment online through the Cardinal Management Group, Inc. website Make-A-Payment. This service is available for a nominal fee and rates are subject to change without further notice.

Please note the Association’s payment address. If you utilize your personal bank’s bill pay service or send a personal check, please be sure to confirm the remittance address is:

Hampton Chase Recreation Association

c/o Cardinal Management Group, Inc.

P.O. Box 52358

Phoenix, AZ 85072-2358

If you need a resale or refinance disclosure package, please contact Cardinal Management or order one from their Resale Disclosure Package page.